First Los Angeles Green Building Award - Living Homes Wins!
The 38th Annual Los Angeles Architectural Award included a category for Green Building for the first time this year and has chosen the team at LivingHomes as the pioneer recipient.
Working with world-class architects, Ray Kappe and Kieran Timberlake, LivingHomes creates modular structures using non-toxic, sustainably-derived materials in factories that are specially designed to reduce waste. The company offers standard homes with lines designed by each of the architects as well as custom homes for those who desire more flexibility in layout and finishes.
These innovative structures offer functional design such as movable millwork walls and an abundance of natural lighting. The aesthetic focus is on “warm modernism” – integrating the linear elements of modernism with the warm details associated with Craftsman style homes.
The company utilizes the best of what technology has to offer today, including photovoltaic panels, rainwater storage, grey-water recycling, water-wise plumbing fixtures and energy efficient appliances. So, it’s not surprising that the original LivingHome, designed by Ray Kappe, is the first home in America to be certified LEED Platinum by the US Green Building Council. All structures offered by LivingHomes are minimally LEED Silver Certified. Landscaping excludes lawn in favor of native, drought tolerant plants and shade trees, with a focus on natural pest control.
The base home price of the homes begins at $180 - $250 per square foot. Design fees, installation, transportation and construction of foundations incur additional costs.
Photos courtesy of LivingHomes